Measuring the impact of mobility abroad on students’ career development remains challenging and the support they receive from universities in identifying and assessing competences is modest. The Erasmus Careers project aims to ensure that the competencies gained on mobility are recognized by students and employers and contribute to the career prospects of Erasmus+ participants.
To accomplish this ambitious goal, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Tilburg University (TU), Expertise in Labour Mobility (ELM), and the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP), have launched the Erasmus Careers project.
The objectives of this project are:
Improving universities’ support for students learning before, during and after their experience abroad
Ensuring that students and trainees are able to identify the competences gained abroad and use them in their career
Ensuring that employers better understand and recognise competences gained during an Erasmus+ exchange
The research gathers literature research, quantitative analysis of student data, and focus groups.
This Roadmap will tackle the different stages of student mobility and the support they might need for their learning before, during and after the exchange. It will also address the validation processes that are connected to formal and non-formal learning and provide tools and case studies on how institutions can apply validation mechanisms to the learning path.
The research report will investigate the recognition of competences candidates gained abroad by employers in recruitment and onboarding processes, while the Employer Manual will improve the value employers give to international experiences in career paths.
Based on the research on competences frameworks, a Competence Inventory with the most important competences gained by students as a result of their mobility will be created.
In order to support students' career development, university staff members should be equipped accordingly. Therefore, a Guidebook for Internationalisation in Career Guidance will be developed.
A digital tool will be developed to help students assess their competences and provide them with tools to improve them.
The training for staff members will build the capacity of universities to support students in their career planning, while the outreach activities will focus on student support on the ground.
University staff members will be trained to better support students in their career planning by using the developed tools, while initiative on the grounds and webinars will make students more aware of the competences gained on exchange
The report will be built upon the analysis of data collected throughout the project, their match with policy priorities related to youth in education and employment agenda, and focus group with European stakeholders.
In this conference, the consortium will present the project results and offer a chance to connect Higher Education stakeholders and employers with students.
This report explores the impact of Erasmus+ on education and employment policies, highlighting how international mobility enhances career prospects through competence recognition, institutional support, and employer engagement.
This report outlines the outcomes of the Erasmus Careers Project's implementation phase, focusing on enhancing students' employability by providing career support activities, training sessions, and outreach initiatives that help participants recognise and articulate the skills gained through international mobility experiences.
The Competence Inventory and Framework is a comprehensive guide designed to help students, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), employers and other stakeholders understand and recognise the skills developed during international mobility, particularly through the Erasmus+ programme.
This employer manual is designed to highlight the competences students gained throughout their mobility experiences, helping recruiters recognise and understand the significance of internationalisation in career paths.
This research aims at understanding how employers value and take into account mobility experience during recruitment processes, and if the way students represent their exchange experience makes a difference.
This desk research, enriched with data and focus groups analysis, proposes a classification of the competences acquired during mobility experiences.
This guidebook emphasises university staff's role in students' career development, drawing on scholarly research, student insights, EU practices, and Erasmus surveys.